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   Actually, there aren't any concerning usage.  I do not require
anything from you to use this software, however, please consider
registering `MUIRexx' (see Registration).  I have put quite a lot of
effort into this so I would appreciate some feedback.  If you discover
any bugs tell me about them.  If you have any ideas let me know.  If
you write any interesting applications send them my way.  I can be
reached by way of the following email address,

Russ Leighton <rleighto@violin.calpoly.edu>

   or alternativily, my old email address is still valid (for now),

Russ Leighton <russ@sneezy.lancaster.ca.us>

   Also, it should be understood that I retain the copyright to the
software `MUIRexx' and as such do not give permission to anyone to sell
or claim this software as their own.  I do not, however, make any such
claim to the scripts provided or to any scripts written that make use of
`MUIRexx'.  The full distribution may be freely distributed, provided
that the original distribution remains intact.  Also, no fee may be
charged for the software except for any nominal media and/or shipping
charge. Additionally, this software (including all distribution
contents) may not be included on any commercial disks (including disk
magazines and cover disks) without the author's expressed permission. 
Exceptions to this rule includes any disks/CDROMs distributed by Cronus
(Fred Fish) or Aminet. A limited distribution of `MUIRexx' (binary and
readme file only) may be distributed with software, with prior consent,
provided that I am given due credit and that the software package be
provided to me at no cost.